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A quick (one-handed) flipthru of the DTRPG print on demand for this title.

An artpunkish monster zine for your MORK BORG game. Full color. Full bleed.
PDF : (coming soon)
POD: (coming soon)

An artpunkish monster zine for your OSR game in monochromatic mode. The theme of this one is dark fantasy but I'm planning others for different genres as well. Next up is something gonzo post-apoc, followed by a conversion of FOE_LIO (currently only available for CY_BORG).
PDF : https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/472484/foelio-vol-1-basic-black
POD: (coming soon)
[The entire PDF is actually FREE under Preview. The prices is just to dissuade trolls from downvoting. If you dig it, please consider supporting my work by purchasing the PDF. By doing so, you'll also gain access to any updates plus paper mini designs and VTT tokens for the creatures.]

An artpunkish monster zine for your MORK BORG game in monochromatic mode.
PDF : https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/472484/foelio-vol-1-basic-black
POD: (coming soon)
[The entire PDF is actually FREE under Preview. The prices is just to dissuade trolls from downvoting. If you dig it, please consider supporting my work by purchasing the PDF. By doing so, you'll also gain access to any updates plus paper mini designs and VTT tokens for the creatures.]

An artpunkish monster zine for your OSR game. The theme of this one is dark fantasy but I'm planning others for different genres as well. Next up is something gonzo post-apoc, followed by a conversion of FOE_LIO (currently only available for CY_BORG).
PDF: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/472478/FOELIO-vol1
POD: (coming soon)

A quick preview of all the card designs available to those who back my current zine on BackerKit. The best of these designs will become pages in the zine. Artpunk aesthetic. Full-bleed art. https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/jhillos/creature-feature-quarterly-vol-2-for-use-with-mork-borg

For use with CY_BORG.
PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/460304/CYBORG-FOELIO-vol1
Print: (soon)

A flip through of the FREE ashcan for the zine I'm currently Kickstarting.

The full color ashcan version of my current zine. A4 page.
Kickstarter link: http://kck.st/466uFkV


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

9 videos

Category Gaming

I illustrate and write content for tabletop roleplaying games (Dungeons and Dragons, Old School Essentials, etc.). This channel is primarily a place for me to promote my own content. Additionally, I will post review videos of tabletop roleplaying games (as well as supplements and adventures) that I find interesting.

